In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, known as the Digital Economy Trust Law (L.C.E.N.), users and visitors of the REYGROUP website are hereby informed of the following legal notices.
The REYGROUP website is accessible at the following address: (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”). Access to and use of the Site are subject to the detailed “Legal Notices” below, as well as applicable laws and/or regulations.
Connection, use, and access to this Site imply the full and unconditional acceptance by the user of all the provisions of these Legal Notices.
Article 1. Legal Information
In accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy, this article specifies the identity of the various stakeholders involved in its creation and monitoring.
The REYGROUP site is published by:
RENTIMO SA, with its registered office at Rue Butini 7, 1202 Geneva – Switzerland, and registered under the following number: CHE-101 556 938 (IDE).
Phone: +41 22 731 5340
Hereinafter referred to as “the Publisher.”
The publication manager is:
Mr. Xavier Rey
Contact email address:
Hereinafter referred to as “the Publishing Director.”
The REYGROUP site is hosted by:
Digital Ocean, with its registered office at 101 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor – New York, NY 10013 – United States
Hereinafter referred to as “the Host.”
Users are considered as anyone who browses, reads, views, and uses the REYGROUP site.
Hereinafter referred to as “Users.”
Article 2. Accessibility
The Site is, in principle, accessible to users 24/7, except for scheduled or unscheduled interruptions for maintenance or in case of force majeure.
In case of inability to access the Site, the Site undertakes to do its utmost to restore access. The Site cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any nature, resulting from its unavailability.
Article 3. Data Collection and Data Protection Law
This site complies with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to information technology, files, and freedoms. Under this law, the User has the right to oppose (art. 32 and 38), access (art. 38 and 39), and rectify (art. 40) the data concerning them.
To exercise these rights, the User must contact the Publisher by emailing, or by mail addressed to the Publisher’s registered office, specifying their name, first name(s), address, and email address(es).
Article 4. Cookie Policy
The REYGROUP site may use “cookie” techniques to process statistics and information about traffic, facilitate navigation, and improve the service for User comfort.
In accordance with European legislation, the REYGROUP site has updated its cookie privacy policy. The User is free to accept or refuse cookies from all websites by modifying their internet browser settings.
Article 5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These legal notices are subject to French law, and any dispute relating to their execution or interpretation will fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of Geneva – SWITZERLAND, subject to applicable public order rules.
The detailed information in this document pertains to the REYGROUP site.
Article 6. Contact
For any report of illicit content or activities, the User can contact the Publisher at the following address:, or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the Publisher at the coordinates specified in these legal notices.